You know what makes me angry?
When companies call little old ladies and talk them into things they don't understand.
That makes me angry.
As most of you know, Gary's mom is 74 years old. She'll be 75 in September. She lives in an assisted living here in the D/FW area. In our opinion she lives in a fun place. It is nice, she has scheduled activities and games, she gets 3 hot meals a day and she has help with her medications. She uses a walker to walk, so she also has help making her bed and keeping her room clean. She can get manicures and pedicures and get her hair done right there at her home. We feel so lucky she is there because it is really hard to find a nice place to live on her very limited income.
Gary and I basically have a 3rd child. She has other children, but Gary is always the kid she calls. We get overwhelmed with it all. My parents are going through the same thing with my grandparents. But my parents are my parents and they don't have young kids at home. So yes, I am having a pity party. Sorry. But it is hard sometimes. I feel like most people are older when they take care of their parents. I know God has a plan and this is happening for a reason. So, we are learning as we go. I can tell you more about assisted living paperwork and social security than any other 34 year old...haha!
Gary's mom {Memaw} received a phone call on her mobile phone yesterday, yes I did say mobile phone. The caller talked her into a vacation. She said she couldn't go on vacation, she walks with a walker. So then they proceeded to say that her kids should take the vacation. It was only $300. I believe she was so confused she didn't know what to do. How can a vacation to Florida only cost $300?? Ugghh! They pushed all this on her and now she is basically stuck with a charge of $300.00 to her checking account. Yes, I do understand this is our fault to because she shouldn't have her debit card, but it is so hard to take a debit card from someone. It takes their independence. But we will take the card now.
Gary spent a few hours this afternoon calling and calling and calling. It feels terrible to get the run around. He got so mad and worked up. He left a million messages. One phone call led to another, one website led to another and slowly Gary began to realize this wasn't a vacation at all. IT was a huge scam. When you show up to vacation they sadly just wouldn't be able to find your reservation number. How horrible are these people?? The company wouldn't talk to Gary or I because we aren't her...due to privacy. It is such a dang mess and a total waste of time because people are being hateful. Taking money from old people is WRONG. Through researching online Gary found the parent company of this scam company. He read ALL the million complaints form other folks being scammed. It is bad y'all.
I'm glad it wasn't more than $300. Although $300 is a lot of money for someone her age especially when all her monthly income goes to her living expenses.
After a long afternoon {while he was working and between conference calls for work} he finally got someone on the line to help him. After basically pulling teeth he got the gentleman to agree to refund her money. He gave Gary a confirmation number, but we aren't holding our breath just yet. I really hope she gets her money back. We are also working with her bank, so one way or another we will get this resolved.
I tweeted about this yucky mess. I got so much support from twitter! Thanks y'all! I love my twitter people. Lots of friends said we should call an attorney and/or contact the news to have the company thrown under the bus. We have so many options. But first we will wait to see what happens.
So if you get a call from this number OR if you want to see the complaints we this number. 866.280.3120. This number will take you to a company that is under the parent company. They make it impossible to get your money back. Grrr.
So how was your Tuesday afternoon?