Monday, May 23, 2011


My friend Jenn posted this "currently" post last week and I fell in LOVE with it.
Thanks for letting me join in!

Current books

I wish I were reading a book right now.  I love to read. 
I do have a stack of magazines I really need to read.  Do they count?   I stopped all mag subscriptions because I don't have time to read them. Pathetic...I know.

Current Playlist

The playlist on my called Mom's list
It includes:

Johnny Cooper ~ Let It All Go

Black Eyed Peas ~ Just Can't Get Enough

Ke$ha ~ Blow

Stoney La Rue ~ Oklahoma Breakdown

and too many more to name.  I love my music y'all!

Current color

Mulberry Mist

It looks gold...doesn't it?

Current drink

I am currently addicted to iced tea. I can't get enough.

Current food


It is so refreshing this time of year.  
I have eaten almost 2 watermelons already this season.  
Pretty much by myself.  & I am planning to try it with cottage cheese.  I heard it is a real treat!

Current favorite show

Friday Night Lights

Current wishlist

I want a fun colorful camera strap. But I don't want it super fru-fru.  Sounds weird right?!?

I want a new video camera.  My kids are funny and I want to capture those moments.  I have been using my old one, but it doesn't take good videos.

Current needs

I need the nasty fever that the kids have passed to one another to go away.  I need it to leave our house because I don't want to be sick.  It is the strangest thing though...they feel great.  The kids both had fever a week apart, but no other symptoms really.  Just a bit of a sore throat.  Whatever it is I just want it gone!

Current triumphs

I am giving Hayden all the glory when it comes to triumphs.  He is going to the bathroom in the potty all the time now.  He only wears a diaper at night!  Whoo to the hooo!!

Current bane of my existence

Bogey is only 8 months old, but I need him to stop being so super duper wild.  He gets so happy when we get home.  He is getting big and scratches us when he jumps.  Hopefully he will calm down before he scars me up...haha!  Poor guy, I feel like I am always yelling at him.  I do love him so much though...he is a sweet pup!

Current celeb crush

Tim Riggins

I love me some Taylor Kitsch.  This fine man stars in my favorite show from above.  
Friday Night Lights is the best show ever and if you don't watch it you totally need to start!

Current #1 blessing

I am so happy that I get to be a stay at home mom.  In today's wild economy I am super blessed to stay home.  I will never take it for granted.

Current indulgence

These gosh darn cookies are so delicious!  Why did I make these?  I did put an electric shocker on the cookie jar.  It only shocks me...they kids are safe.  I don't need to be eating them. But they are so good.

Current outfit

Black work-out shorts and a tank top

Current excitement

School is almost out AND my birthday is coming up and I want to go camping with Gary and the kiddos!!!!  
I am so excited about turning 35...Honestly I just like to have a fun reason to celebrate :)

Current mood

Happy &  Thankful


  1. Bogey is MY bane of existence as well!! Love that little guy, but enough is enough! Ha!!

    And YAY for Hayden using the potty all the time...that's amazing!

  2. Yay for Hayden being potty trained! I almost grabbed a watermelon yesterday but I was afraid it wouldn't be sweet enough still:)

  3. How fun! Yay for Hayden! It's so nice to be down to diapers only at night. What kind of camera do you have? I might be able to hook you up with a camera strap cover if you don't mind waiting a while longer. ;) And if you get one before I make you one, well then you'll just have two...

  4. well i guess he could pee on ur leg while jumping on you b/c he's sooo excited haha

    as for the magazines. i'm with ya...but i read mine while nursing...i guess you should get pregnant then! haha kidding

    i failed at the electric shock on the cookie jar..i hate 2 for breakfast. funny i posted my cookie photo on my blog today too! we're in sync again

  5. This is such a great idea! So cute! Love your playlist momma!

  6. I love your nail color!

    And Bogey...I LOVE that face! But I bet he is a handful! He and Reese should play...and wear each other out!

    Love the list!

    Happy Week my friend!

  7. I love reading posts like this. I think it's so interesting. :-) That watermelon looks delish! I think I need to get some! I've never thought to scoop it out like looks so cute!


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