Friday, June 10, 2011

1st week of summer

Our first week of summer has been busy.  Today is the first day I have had the chance to do laundry and get some cleaning done.  It felt great to clean some toys out of the playroom and organize Layla's room.  I suddenly remember what it is like to have two kids home 24-7.  Whew!  They are keeping me busy busy! Not to mention all the activities we have attended this week.

We have spent many hours in one of two of our back yard pools.

We went to the dentist.

We played Wii and are trying to help Hayden learn to use the remote better.  And we do lots of things in our swimsuit.  Just in case the pool is ready for us ;)

Hayden and I attended a pool party with his preschool buddies.

We had burgers with our neighbors and splashed in their pool.  
We also stayed up way past our bedtimes!  It was so much fun :)

We went to my parents house to visit and have my birthday celebration.
I got my annual dose of cherries in the snow. YUM!  My mom makes it every year for my birthday.

Mom, myself & Auntie

Hayden explored in their fun and large backyard.

My sweet dad and Hayden were trimming trees...haha!

Birthday balloons a week later...I like to celebrate all month long ;)

Just writing this post makes me tired. I am so glad to have been busy this week, but I am looking forward to having a relaxing weekend.  There will be lots of playing in the pool!

How was your first week of summer?


  1. Yep, just another wonderful Texas summer!!! :) You seriously don't know how bad I want to move to your state after watching FNL!!!! HA!!! :)

  2. What a fun week!! I plan to play in my pool this weekend too!

  3. Looks like a fun week! Yay for summer!

  4. Y'all have been busy!! I need y'all to come include us in some of your summer time fun!!

  5. Your mom looks like your sister. You have great genes and are going to age!

  6. What a fun first week of summer! This was our second week and we've had a nice routine of gym, nap, pool in the afternoon with very little else this week.

  7. looks like you really had fun :)


  8. You and your Momma are too cute!


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