I'm gonna show you how I eat a cupcake....
Mmmmm....After a little taste test I realize, yep it is edible.
First you gotta size it up...
Then you have to just take a huge bite.
If it doesn't all fit go ahead and shove it in.
It's ok if it falls apart.
Don't even worry about trying to keep it together or stay clean.
These hands are really strong and they tend to mush things.
That is it...it's that easy. That is how I eat a cupcake.

That is too cute:) All three of my boys like to eat the icing off the top first!
HAHA!! Sweet :) YUMMMMM!!!
Too sweet! This gives me an excuse to eat a cupcake now that I've seen the tutorial :)
i love watching my babies eat food...oh to eat like them!
LOL!!! Gotta love little kids and the way the eat!
haha. awesome. i had to click over when i saw the title of this post. too cute girly.
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