One of Layla's birthday requests was a slumber party on her actual birthday. I thought ok...why not?
At first I told her she could invite one friend, but when we found out a few of her really close friends would miss she and Hayden's water slide bash, we decided to invite them to the sleepover. The girls are all really cute and sweet, but I have to admit I was a bit worried about 6 year old drama. But you know what? There really wasn't any drama. I knew I had to keep them busy, so I basically scheduled activities and offered a small amount of free time.
When the girls arrived around 5pm we made bracelets, anklets and necklaces. I thought it would be fun, and it was. And Bonus...they got to take their creations home!
The girls are the perfect age for jewlery making. They all had their own style and made some really fun stuff. I was in charge of cutting the string and trying knots.
Gary was the chef...he was in charge of all food during the slumber party. He baked a yummy cheese pizza with cheese stuffed crust. They dined on pizza, carrots and ranch dip. For dessert they had a slice of homemade cookie cake. I was experimenting with making a huge chocolate chip cookie. It turned out great, the girls loved it!
After dinner they played for a bit in Layla's room and then they had a Just Dance II marathon. It was the cutest thing, and talk about competitive. Wowza!! They danced their little hearts out!
Since they played the Wii so long before we knew it it was time for some down time and then bed.
They all squeezed on the futon in the playroom and had popcorn, m&m's, and twizzlers and watched a movie.
They giggled and laughed way too long into the night. I hope they all took long naps today.
Their breakfast picture is so blurry :(
They ate strawberries, grapes, lil smokies and orange rolls.
After breakfast they played tug of war with one anothers bodies. I didn't quite understand this game, but it produced half a million giggles and squeals. When the tug of war game was over the girls ran outside, jumped on the trampoline, and played on the swing set.
I think everyone had a fun was fun to hang out with the girls!!
Layla had a very special birthday!
The pictures below are of Layla's birthday breakfast. We started the tradition of having a cupcake first thing in the morning on the kids birthday. I plan to stick with the tradition for years to come! I just love birthdays and I think they should always be a big deal. Layla decided her favorite cake is strawberry shortcake. That is what I served!
Early last week I was wondering how Hayden would act seeing Layla get gifts and him not. He did great. He reminded us about 547 times that his birfday is in 2 weeks. He was sad because the goys (girls) didn't want to play with him. Bless his heart...he just wanted to do girl stuff...haha! We will make sure he has a special birthday in 2 weeks. It is fun this year because he is old enough to understand somewhat what his birthday is about. He loves to show us his 3 little fingers.
My kids are getting so big...eeeiiikkkk!! Slow down :)

What a fun party and such cute girls! Happy birthday Layla Kate :) I want some of that popcorn, M&m'S and Twizzlers...what a great combination :) Oh, to be a kid again.
What a great birthday party! I love that all four of them could fit on the futon...adorable!
Fun Times! I would have had the same thoughts about girl drama...I'm glad it all worked out great! Happy Birthday to Layla.
Looks like fun! I have a 10yo daughter and that's all she/friends want to do now is 'sleepovers'. I'll have to suggest the body tug-of-war to her ;)
Would love for you to stop by and enter my Home Goods GC giveaway.
That sounds like such a fun slumber party! I remember going to so many slumber parties when I was little! I think it must be a girl thing though because my boys have never even had a friend sleep over:) Too bad we live so far away Hayden could have come and played with my boys instead of trying to get the girls to play with him!
What a fun mama you are! Looks like the girls had a blast :)
How fun!!! It looks like everyone had a great time. Well, maybe except for one really cute little boy!!
So sweet. I know her day was special!!!! :)
Happy Birthday to Layla! I want to be a kid again. :)
So sweet! What a fun time. I can't wait (actually, I can) till Addi has slumber parties!!
They are getting really big. What a great sleepover...looks like a ton of fun.
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