Tuesday, August 23, 2011

first day of school

My first grader!

Layla was so sleepy this morning!  
She didn't want to get up, but when she realized it was her 1st day of school she pepped up really quick.

At her desk ready to get busy :)

 I did a comparison this year vs. last year...

I am so excited and can't wait to pick her up from her first day later today!!


  1. She’s getting SO big. Hope she has a GREAT year!! :)

  2. Wow, you definately can tell a difference between her first day of Kinder and her first day of first! I hope she had a GREAT first day :)

  3. Isn't it the best to hear all about the first day. This is the first year that I won't be home when Jamison gets off the bus. Layla is too cute for words. Her skirt is adorable.

  4. So cute! Hope she had a wonderful day!

  5. She looks so cute! I love her outfit ;-) I love the first day of school, it's always so exciting! Hope she has a GREAT day! It's amazing how quickly they grow up from one year!

  6. I love her little foot pop! So cute! I hope she has a great first day! Love the comparison picture - they grown too dang fast.

  7. How exciting - and she looks so grown up and ready for her first day!
    Hope it all went well x


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