Wednesday, August 31, 2011

meet the teachers

My sweet boy got to meet his new preschool teachers this morning.  

I am so excited for him.  I think he is ready to start school in a week!

I HAD to include this picture of him before we left.  He was eating scrambled eggs.  His little face makes me laugh.  It looks like those were some good eggs!

I love this picture of him with his new teachers...he looks so proud!  He is in the younger 3's class this year with 9 other kids, some of them were in his class last year.   Their classroom is gigantic and it is filled with books, puzzles and tons of learning toys.  Hayden is really into puzzles lately!

He seemed a bit nervous at first and even acted a kinda shy.  He was just walking around with his hands in his pockets checking things out.  I just laughed inside to myself.  He is so silly.  Finally, as we were about to leave he got super excited and started talking up a storm.  I hope he has a super fun year!  I can't wait to watch him grow and learn this year!


  1. I adore the hands in the pockets! Looks like he's going to have a great year.

  2. I love that last picture. So sweet!

    and the new look is awesome! Jenn did a great job!

  3. Jenn did it again! Love the new design girl.

    Hayden is SUCH a cutie. I hope he has an awesome school year!


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