Monday, August 15, 2011

our kid-free weekend

We had a wonderful weekend!  
My parents offered to keep the kids for the weekend, so of course we took them up on their offer.

  Before dropping the kids off at my parents house on Friday we took them to visit my grandparents.  My grandparents are the sweetest people and I have so many childhood memories with them as a kid.  It pains me every time I see my grandparents.  They are just not the same.  They are so forgetful.  They can barely remember Hayden's name, but the joy in their eyes when they see the kids is heartwarming.   They love their great-grand babies so much.

 My parents pretty much spoiled the kids rotten all weekend long.  You won't catch me complaining about that.  I think grandparents are supposed to spoil their is their JOB!  Layla got a back-to-school pedicure.  The four of them went to see the Smurfs.  I think Hayden shot a BB gun for the first time.  They had a BIG time and the kids came home on Sunday with tons of fun stories of their adventures.


Gary and I ended up grabbing drinks and appetizers on Friday night.  It was weird.  We don't typically eat out at night.  We are always home tucking the kids into bed when it is getting dark.  We went to a fun local  restaurant/brewery.  I love trying different beers on tap, so I was excited to drink something other than a regular lite beer.  We had the best avocado egg rolls and an amazing Oreo dessert.   

The picture quality isn't that phone takes horrible pictures.
I am due for an iPhone upgrade in October....I can't WAIT!

We slept in until 9:00 am on Saturday morning.  That is late for us!!  It was nice.  Gary and I ran to the grocery store kid free, which was fun and then just pretty much did nothing the rest of the day.   I MUST mention Bogey...he got a brand spankin' new collar.  Isn't he cute hammin' it up...

Saturday night we went to dinner with friends at Pappasito's Mexican restaurant.  

Our dining experience is one we won't soon forget.  A waiter pretty much dumped a full tray of hot food on the floor right next to our table.  We were so hungry I was ready for our shrimp and beef fajitas.   Food was flying across the patio and some even landed on Gary and our friend John.  Gary said he was worried when he saw the dude lose the tray, but he never thought the food would end up on him.  It was wild to say the least.  The four of us just laughed about it the rest of the night.  Since I mentioned the patio...we sat on the patio.  How exciting is that??  The weather on Saturday was wonderful.  We were comfortable all day long.  I think the high temperature was 89 degrees.  So nice after a super hot last few months.  After dinner we had high hopes of heading to the Stockyards, but we were so full.  We ended up just hanging out chatting here at the house.  It was a fun adult night.

Sunday morning Gary and I slept late again until around 9:00 again.  My parents were kind enough to drive the kids home.    I cooked 3 new recipes, and we basically lounged around the rest of Sunday.

I will hopefully post a few of these recipe this week.  I found them on pinterest.

This coming week is the last week of summer.  Layla starts school on August 23.  We are going to enjoy our last week of freedom, although it is already busy.  Sadly, my ear infection is NOT better, I have a few appointments this week to decide on the next step for relief for me.  Layla starts soccer practice, and we are planning to spend a big chunk of time at the pool soaking in every last bit of summer we can.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend!! I can't believe your ear still isn't better. I'm waiting on the ENT's office to call me back because my swollen lymph node is still swollen after 2 wks. & my Dr. wants me to see an ENT. UGH!

  2. Your kid free weekend sounds awesome! I would love to sleep until 9...we are lucky to sleep until 7 even on the weekends:)

  3. i was just telling hubs about ur kid free weekend...i'm so up for one when reid is lovely your time must have been!

  4. I know you two had an amazing time...alone time is the best! Glad you were able to get some yummy food (sorry Gary had to wear I'm sure the kids had a blast too...great way to spend time before school starts. So sorry to hear about your ear...I need to pray for wisdom for your doctors because I know that has to be frustrating. Boo!


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