Friday, August 19, 2011

Meet the teacher

Tonight we got to meet Layla's 1st grade teacher.  

I honestly can't believe I just typed that.  1st grade.  But it is happening, so all I can do is get ready :)

Layla is ready!  She loves to learn and I am thrilled for her.  I saw so many amazing books in her classroom.  Next summer I just know Layla and I will be reading chapter books together all summer the pool.  Tonight she asked if she could have a Kindle.  She is my reader for sure!

Looking for her classroom!

My sweet munchkins.  Hayden is next...we will meet his preschool teacher soon!


Layla and one of her best friends.  They are the sweetest girls!  

Layla is so excited to know so many people in her class this year.  There are 5 girls in her class that were in the same class last year.  That is super lucky.  I couldn't believe it.  AND a girl that is on Layla's soccer team that we didn't know before is sitting RIGHT next to her.  Layla is so blessed to be surrounded by friends.  I'm so happy to know their parents.  These are the kind of friends I want Layla to have from now on so I can feel good about who she is hanging out with.

My first grader.

Daddy's girl!

I am so thrilled for my big girl.  Before we left the school she made sure she knows how to get to her classroom so I don't have to walk her into the school on Tuesday.  
This makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots, the other is wings.”


  1. So exciting that she knows girls in her class! Hope 1st grade is a blast!

  2. Mrs. Aslin is AMAZING!!!!! I had her daughter Gracie Claire last year :) You will love her!! If you didn't know already she blogs...she on my list on the side under "Paul, Amanda, and the 3 little ladies". Glad meet the teacher went well!! This teacher is going to bed :)

  3. How great that she has friends already in her class! I'm about to send my little girl off to kinder on Monday. We had our meet the teacher today and I did see that the little girl that lives down the street from us is in her class so that's nice. I'm sad though because we don't live near any of her friends from Church/preschool last year so none of those friends are at her school.

  4. First grade!!! That is wonderful about her love for can't beat that. How fun that she's able to have so many friends in her class. AND that you know their important. Here's to a great school year for Miss Layla!

  5. Cute cute pics! Time goes by so fast. Most of my friends have kids starting Kindergarten this year & it's so hard to believe!


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