Monday, August 29, 2011

weekend fishing trip

The kids and I had a much needed low key weekend.  I told you about Layla's first soccer game on Saturday.  After her game the rest of the weekend we pretty much vegged out.  The first week of school is typically rough for us.  It wasn't that bad, but adjusting to the new morning wake up time was tough for all of us.  Hayden woke up super early all week also, so he needed some fun relaxing time too.

Gary on the other hand enjoyed a guy getaway!

He went deep sea fishing in Port Aransas on Saturday.

He was very very sad to miss Layla's first soccer game, he really needed some guy time.

He was so kind to take tons of pictures because the kids were constantly asking what he was doing and if he was catching any fish.  Thank goodness for modern technology!  It was so fun for us to see so many fun pictures!

Gary was proud of this shark.  He caught the largest shark of all the fishermen.  
This shark is now in our freezer along with about 40 lbs of shark & king fish.  I have my job cut out for me looking for meal ideas for all this fish!

On the ride home from Port A the guys stopped for fuel and laughed so hard at the name of this store.

Gary sent me a text and it said, "Only in Texas! "
sad, but true. :)

I am so glad he got to go on this fun trip, but I am also glad to have him home! 


  1. That shark is so cool! Can't wait to see what yummy recipes you come up with for it! Looks like he had a great time!!

  2. Look at Gary. I have never had shark before so I'll be interested to see what you come up with. That name of the store cracks me up.

  3. What a fun weekend!! Looks like a blast!


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