Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1st day of Preschool

Hayden was super excited about his first day of school today!

He got up early and was dressed and ready to go.

He was a champ while I took a million pictures of him.

He had a breakfast of milk and pop tart bites.

This picture cracks me up.  He is loaded down and ready to go.  Poor guy, his back might break. heehee!

I can't believe he is such a big boy!

Hayden didn't get upset at all.  He was ready to play.

I wanted to tear up, but he didn't.  He sat down with his buddy and they did puzzles.

I can't wait to pick him up...I want to hear all about his fun day!


  1. He looks so grown up with that big backpack on! I think Eli is ready for school, but I'm not ready for him to be ready:) I hope he has a great day!

  2. Happy First Day of School Hayden and Mommy! He looks so grown up. As in, he could very well be going off to High School! Gasp! Such a handsome little man! I hope he has an awesome first day!!

  3. There was no turning back for him I see. That backpack is HUGE...Caleb's is the same way. He's going to have a great year. So...what are you going to do with all of that time :)

  4. Look at that cutie!! I hope his first day was awesome! I can't wait to hear all about it! Enjoy those few hours of quiet time! :)

  5. He is just so stinkin' cute!! I hope he has a GREAT first day!

  6. How cute!! I cried like a baby when I dropped P off on her first day:(

  7. Too cute! I bet he had a blast!

  8. sweet boy! lily wants to go to school too. she made me buy her a lunchbox today at target. i say made me b/c i she was screaming at the top of her lungs and i was sweating haha

  9. Ohmygoodness...what a handsome little man! I love the pictures! I love that age, he is a sweetie! I hope he had a great day! And mama did too! ;-)

  10. What a cutie!!!! So glad he went happily off to school! He sure is a handsome little guy!


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