Friday, September 9, 2011

Gone fishin'

Every day since Gary went fishing a few weekends ago Hayden has been begging Gary to take him fishing.  He was hoping to catch a shark like daddy, but since we fished in a local pond he wasn't able to catch that shark!  We didn't catch anything, but we had tons of fun!

I must note:  Hayden dresses himself and I was totally impressed that his shirt matched his shorts.  He hasn't yet mastered putting his shorts on the right way.  As you can see his shorts are on totally backward!  I am ok with it.  I don't want to discourage him, so I choose to pick my battles when it comes to him dressing himself.  I'm just so happy he puts his own clothes on.  HA!

I am so thankful for Gary's job.  He works from our home office.  We were able to drop Layla off at school AND then head to the fishing pond and still make it home for Gary to start working around 8:30 am. We are blessed!

It also helps that Hayden's attention span is all of 10 minutes.  He fished and then he was jumping from rock to rock!  All that took about 30 minutes. heehee!  It sure was fun, and Hayden was so happy!

And just because everyone else in the family is in this post I can't leave Layla out!

She was in rare form yesterday before school!  She wanted me to take pictures of her jumping.  She'd look at the pics to make sure they were just right.  We were laughing like crazy!  Oh ... my kids are a hoot y'all!  I just love them so much!

Have a great weekend!


  1. The jumping shots are all the rave you know :) What a fun outing...and all before 8:30! That is wonderful that Gary is able to work from home and be around to do fun things with the kids :)

  2. Such cute pics! Your kids look like they have the best personalities!

  3. i wish we could bottle their innocence! i'm realizing my teens aren't the same tiny sweet muffins they used to be.


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