We had a great 3 day weekend.
We had friends over for dinner and cards.
Sunday morning we woke up to amazing temperatures. We were so happy!! It felt like fall outside. The kids couldn't wait to get outside, but once they did they ran back in to get jackets. They made me laugh with their crazy looking attire.
Look at them...haha! Silly boy had his hood on with flip flops.
They had so much fun jumping on the trampoline and running wild in the back yard. We have waited for fall for so long. This is camping weather, but sadly we weren't able to camp this weekend. I do see camping in our future!
Saturday we ran tons of errands.
We went to the furniture store to pick out a new mattress!!!! Of course the kids had to try out every chair they saw! Hayden loved the kid sized chairs.
We are thrilled to be getting a brand spanking new mattress this week! Check the warranty on your mattress. I would have never known ours was defective, but I started researching it and am so glad I did.
Our next stop was Academy. For those of you who don't have Academy in your area, it is a sporting goods store. It is one of my favorite places to shop! They kids were dying to get into this hunting tent. They were being so silly.
Monday we played outside all day long. Gary's mom and sister came to visit and we were ALL loving the great weather. {once again I was a photography slacker} They left in the late afternoon and the four of us went to Layla's soccer practice. We were so excited about the cooler temperatures! We were so happy to be outside. Can you tell we love the weather??
This week we are gearing up for Hayden's first day of Preschool on Wednesday! He didn't seem excited until we went to 'meet the teacher.' Now he is ready and seems very excited about his first day. I am excited...I know he will love it!
Have a great week everyone!

Ha! We had to run back in this morning to get a jacket for Jamison because it was so cool. We're supposed to get a lot of rain this week...I hope you all do too. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy. I hope Mr. H has a great day tomorrow :)
Sounds like a fantastic long weekend!
We woke up to amazing weather too. I wish it was here for good.
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