Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tweetable snack!

A few weeks ago the kids and I were watching Tangled while eating popcorn and Twizzlers.  

So you know me....I tweeted about it!  See the tweet below:

Shortly after I tweeted what we were doing Twizzlers started following me on twitter and I followed them back.    How fun is that?  And it gets better....

The Hershey Company sent us this super soft and fluffy pillow and a HAND WRITTEN letter!  How nice is that??  The kids squealed when they saw the fun pillow.  What a fantastic company.  I am so thrilled to know there are still companies out there that care about their customers! 

Thank you Jacquelyn from The Hershey Company!


  1. That is too cool and so sweet!!! :)

  2. How cool! While I'm not a fan of Twizzlers, I LOVE a plain Hershey's chocolate candy bar with a cold Dr Pepper. YUM!!

  3. That's awesome. I love Twizzlers and I'm actually eating them now...I have some hidden in my desk drawer!

  4. How fun! I love Twizzlers...I bought some today to use for a Halloween treat:) Jason hates them though!

  5. That's so awesome! Twizzler is now officially the best company ever :)

  6. SO COOL! I am going to tweet that I love Range Rovers - think they'll send me one?!?!?! :] What a sweet thing Hershey's did!

  7. That is SO cool!! I'm a little jealous...love me some Twizzlers! :) Kudos to them for going the extra mile...that is so rare anymore!!

  8. That is very cool!!! Some companies have it figured out. Way to go!


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