Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you?

I have a strange memory.  Sometimes I forget stuff.  Sometimes I remember things from years ago like they just happened.  I can remember what I wore two years ago on a dinner date with my husband, but can't remember what I had for dinner last night.

I do remember almost everything about September 11, 2001.  I was at home getting ready for work. I vividly remember the second plane crashing into the tower.  They replayed it over and over again.

Gary and I lived in a tiny little house in Waco.  I loved that house.  It was about 1250 square feet.  It had a 1 car garage, 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths.  It was a perfect house with a big, pretty backyard for us newlyweds.  We got married September 12, 2000.  One year almost to the day of the 9/11 chaos.

Gary was laying in our king size bed waking up.  That king size bed took up the whole room.  It was hysterical.  We couldn't even get around the room, but we had a gigantic bed and a TV on a dresser.  The 1/2 bath was 'my' bathroom.  I curled my hair and put my makeup on in there every morning.  I would shower in the little, but bigger full bathroom, and then grab my coffee and make my way to my bathroom.  Every morning I would watch the CBS Early Show.  I loved it.  I would get my news while I was getting dressed, every day.

I was the Director of Sales for a hotel in Waco.  I loved that job.  It was an amazing job.  Sometimes I wish I still had that job.  I loved all my coworkers.  I loved working in the hotel industry.  I loved showing people the hotel property.  I loved booking meetings in our meeting space.  It was a fun time in my life.  I was newly married and it was a great paying job for me at the time.

I stayed at home that morning a little longer than normal.  After the shock wore of I headed to the office around 10am.  Gary worked from home.  He cancelled all his appointments and sat glued to the couch all day long.  I remember driving to the hotel in shock. I remember sitting in the lobby, watching the non-stop news with all the other managers. I remember being scared to death.

I remember finally getting in touch with my parents.  The cell phone coverage was all jacked up.  I couldn't call out, all circuits were busy.  My parents were in a federal building in Oklahoma City. They basically got kicked out of the building, as the whole nation shut it's doors that day.

My best friend was with her husband in Las Vegas.  They couldn't get home...they stayed in Vegas for 3 extra days.  I called her like crazy and couldn't get in touch with her, but finally I talked to her.  She assured me they were fine.  I remember being scared.  So scared.

I remember thinking how I'd remember my 1 year wedding anniversary forever.  How could we celebrate the next day when so many people were suffering or injured or dead?

I thought of one of my life long friends...she lived and worked in DC.  I prayed for her, hoping someone would send me word that she was OK.  And she was.  As OK as she could be.  As OK as we all could be.

Where were you?

1 comment:

  1. My memory is like that too. So weird. I was at work. I was going in for 7:00 back then. I was listening to Kidd Kraddick at my desk like I always do & he announced that the 1st plane hit. I remember at that time that we thought it was an accident until the second plane & then I got really scared. I didn't sleep much in the weeks to follow because I couldn't stop watching all the coverage on tv.


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