Our little family had a fun trip to the pumpkin patch!
They don't look happy to be there, but I promise they were!
My sweet little scarecrow!
Hayden's face makes me giggle. I know I have said it before, but he makes the funniest faces lately. He is so expressive and funny!
Layla just had to pose with Jessie...
and of course Hayden with Buzz, his BFF!
Hhmmmm....which one do we want?
This one?
Or this one?
My people....I love them!
Layla was very curious about the insides of this pumpkin! She is my little scientist.
Hayden's favorite activity at the patch was to see how fast he could run.
He finally picked his pumpkin!
So that was our family pumpkin patch trip for 2011!

So fun! I'm hoping we can make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend! I love the pictures of Layla holding that huge pumpkin and Hayden rolling his:)
Love the pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time!!
I sure wish we had a pumpkin patch to go to :(
Those pictures are great and such a fun thing to do with the family!!!
Happy Friday my friend!
i'm begging branden to take us to the p.patch. he hates that kind of thing...esp when it's hot. the one i want to go to is open until next week too...i'm afraid if we wait what's the pt b/c the pumpkins will be gone...deep sigh! he's sooo bah!
Y'all are CUUUUTE. I still haven't taken my boys. Bad mom. It's just hard with only one mama and two youngins. :)
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