Thursday, November 10, 2011

yes, I turned homework into sappiness

It seems like every stage of my kids lives gets better.  
When they crawled, walked and ran it was fun.  All those milestones are huge and each one starts a new chapter of life.  Layla is learning to read.  She is doing an amazing job!

When we are running errands or at the grocery store Layla asks so many questions about things she reads.  She reads grocery ads, signs at churches as we pass by.  She reads billboards.  She loves to learn.  I have a girl that loves to learn and it makes me so happy!

She was doing her homework yesterday and I just started taking pictures of her.  I don't want to forget this chapter.  She is learning so much.  She actually loves doing her homework.  I'm quite sure it won't always be this way.  One day she will be begging to talk on the phone or go play with her friends.

She has always loved to doodle, color and draw, but now she writes all the time as well.  She has tons of pads and fun pencils.  She takes them everywhere with her.  When we travel she has to have a book to read, pencils and a journal or notepad.

In these pictures she is reading her baggie book and writing in her readers response journal.

I can see her brain working in each picture I took.

I love those little fingers and hands.  I love how much they have grown.  I remember when she first grabbed blocks and her favorite toy.  Now she is grabbing a pencil and turning pages in a book. 

She is learning about who she is.  To me she is the sweetest most loving daughter and I am so proud of her every single day.  See the book over her face...she was getting annoyed with me.  She was saying, " No more pictures Momma, you are distracting me."  You just gotta love her!


  1. I think it's awesome that you captured this moment because you are so right about soon she'll be on the phone or out with friends. I can see her it!!!

  2. I'm impressed that she likes to do homework. My boys don't complain too much but I know they would much rather be outside playing than doing homework and reading:) I love the last picture!

  3. Maybe she'll be one of the kids that always loves to learn & do homework!

  4. independence at each age is amazing...then it reminds me how close they are growing to not needing up anymore...

    from first first first first steps....our children are amazing

    way to capture those photos!

  5. she really is getting so big. i love how you captured this little moment :)

  6. Awwww, loved this! It is so fun to see them learn and grow!


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