This morning when we dropped Layla off at school Hayden saw all the kids getting out of the cars. A teacher would open the car door and the kids would jump out and run into the school. Hayden said, "Mommy, she is bustin' dem kids out." I giggled. It's so true! I love a three year old little brain. They are constantly thinking.
I got a new phone yesterday and I love it. I had the slowest model iPhone they make. I am very happy with my new upgraded iPhone. I just need to know what new and fun things I can do now. If you have ideas of apps I'd like let me know! I am thrilled to be able to check twitter and Facebook from my phone again. AND the camera rocks! Hopefully I will try Facetime soon too.
Layla has been listening to me talk about my Thirty-One business and she loves looking through my catalog. She decided to created her own company. She named her company Six Lex. She created a catalog and has been selling to us. She is just too cute! I sure hope she is an entrepreneur when she grows up.
I am a tad bit irritated because both of our home computers are acting strange. Computer issues stress me out. You'd think computers would be smart enough to fix themselves. I know one of them is non repairable because of age. Let's just hope the other is an easy fix.
I bought new lotion yesterday. I needed a thicker lotion for winter and I finally found the time to get a few new scents from Bath and Body Works. I also got a few Christmas hand soaps for the kitchen and bathroom. I am excited about their fun smells! Once I try all the different things I bought I'll share my favs with y'all. One of my most favorite things in the world is to take a warm shower and put lotion on and then get into my pj's. I love smelling all pretty in my pj's.
Tonight at the dinner table Layla said she had a Lady Gaga joke for me. I stopped chewing and my face got beet red. I thought OH sweet girl has lost her innocence. haha! just kidding, sorta. Anyway, she told me her joke, "How do you wake Lady Gaga? ...... poker face!" Isn't that funny!? Then she proceeded to explain to me that Lady Gaga is a singer and she sings a song called "Poker Face." Did you know that? She acted as if I didn't know that. Oh me, oh my!
Tonight I told Hayden since we stayed home pretty much all day he could skip his bath. His eczema is getting better and it seems like when we don't bathe every single day he doesn't get AS dry. All that to say...I asked him to put on his pj's. Off he ran and he stripped down naked and ran his clothes to the laundry room. He opened the door and screamed, "Momma, this pile is outta control!!" So yep...there is that. My 3 year old threw me under the bus. I think I know what my plans are for the evening. Laundry.
and with that I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Recovery time is good! December is so busy. I dread all the business!!
Yay for new phone! Priority #1 is the pinterest app. Not that it ever works. But just in case. And words with friends. Do you play??
I'm gonna try that joke on my first grader!! So cute.
Lotion...have you tried Hempz? THE BEST. Especially in winter!
My laundry pile is outta control, too, Hayden.
Glad my comment was as long as your post! :)
Your kiddos are too funny! Our laundry is normally out of control too:) I want an iphone so bad. I have an android right now and I am starting to hate is so slow! I've heard the camera on the new iphone is awesome which is the main reason I want one:)
So funny!
Hayden cracks me up. You know what's a lot of fun for 3 year olds? Buttons! And, you know what has tons of buttons on it? A washing machine!!!
OK, don't let me babysit your kids. Your house will be spick and span when you get home, and Hayden will tell you about how the super fun babysitter taught him how to do the laundry :)
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