Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I cooked a whole chicken in the slow cooker

If I haven't mentioned it before I will now....raw chicken grosses me out!  I don't know why, but I have always had issues with chicken.  I rarely order chicken entrees when dining in restaurants.  If I eat chicken I usually cook it at home.  I will eat a chicken sandwich from Chic Fil A and I love a good chicken parmigiana dish from an Italian food restaurant.  I guess because the chicken is fried I feel as if it is cooked fully.  

Gary and I have always split kitchen duties.  He usually cooks all the meat, while I do all the veggies/side dishes.  Here lately, we are both branching out and learning more and more about each others cooking techniques.  Pretty soon I'll have him baking up a casserole.  I don't think I'll be firing up the ole smoker anytime soon...haha!  Can you see me grilling/smoking meat?

I dunno. 

I'm saying all this to tell you....

I cooked a whole entire raw chicken yesterday!!!!

This is big for me!

I touched it.  I washed it.  I seasoned it.  I put it in the slow cooker and cooked it!

Here is what I did:

I laid celery stalks and baby carrots on the bottom of the slow cooker.  I used my favorite chicken seasoning (remember my pantry necessities post ?) all over the chicken. I left the skin on because the skin will keep the chicken moist while cooking.  I placed the seasoned chicken into the slow cooker.  I then cut up one whole onion and laid the slices all around the chicken.  I then shut the lid!  

All done.  Silly, but I was nervous.

The waiting began.  

How long do I cook it?  Will it be raw in the center?

At 11:30 am I left the chicken alone in the slow cooker on high heat.  It started smelling so delicious!  I was so excited, but worried too.  After about 6 1/2 hours at 5:15 pm we were ready to dive in.

Gary skinned and de-boned the chicken and it tasted just like a rotisserie chicken from the deli!  Actually we could barely get the thing out of the slow cooker it was so tender.  It fell right off the bone.


We ate the chicken with stir fry veggies and rice.  It was a great meal and now I have left over chicken for another recipe.  Maybe I'll make chicken salad.

I think I am a big girl now and I will not stress out about chicken any more.  I am bigger than any chicken.  My slow cooker and I can conquer any meat.  I know I am a goof, but y'all love that about me.

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Woohooo!
    You conquered your fear of chicken (well kind of right??) That looks delicious...
    I have yet to master the chicken in a crock pot... perhaps I will have to try your recipe??
    Now I'm hungry!

  2. I have the same issue with chicken. If my husband doesn't cook the chicken and I wont eat it. If I cook it I am almost positive it is always undercooked. It is so freaky.

  3. I don't like raw chicken either. I think it has something to do with bones maybe. It sounds like cooking it in the slow cooker wasn't that hard. I may have to pull out my crock pot:)

  4. I'm with you, I rarely order chicken out unless it's CFA or something Italian. I will get tortiall soup with chicken in it sometimes. My thing is it's something we can eat at home because it's so easy to cook. I'll have to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I fear chicken too! HA!!! The idea of under-cooked chicken completely grosses me out. Once, I tried to cook a whole chicken and after I cleaned it out, I was so grossed out that I knew I wouldn't be able to eat any of it. I'm actually shocked that you were able to cook one in a slow cooker! You didn't add any water to the bottom or anything? What a crazy concept! I might just have to give that a try. I love the idea that you had left overs that you could use for another meal! Good job girl!

  6. I'm afraid of cooking chicken too! I almost never eat meat anymore because I'm always afraid if I cooked it then it wasn't cooked right or wasn't cooked all the way. I finally had to stop buying meat because I kept wasting it. This looks not scary though - I'll have to try it!

  7. I so want to do this!!! I think I'll make one on Friday and then use part of the meat for chicken enchiladas on Saturday. Thanks for braving the raw chicken frontier for us! ;)

  8. you go, girl! i've been eager and scared all at once to do this. thanks for the prodding. it's time!

  9. Good for you. Love my slow cooker, and use it numerous times a week, even tho I am a stay at home wife. Last week-end, I put a 5.5lb turkey breast in it, doctored it all up and cooked it on low for about 6 hours. I'm telling ya, I will never cook turkey breast in the oven again. I have never eaten one so moist and tender!

  10. ur a crazy nut! i always find it easier and faster to buy it from walmart for $4.98 then i can eat the goodness of their hard labor


    way to go! glad to know if i need to it will come out perfect and fall off the bone good!

    what would we do w/o our slow cookers?

  11. Wow! Glad to know that this works! I have some issues with raw chicken too, but I could probably handle dropping it in the slow cooker and leaving it.

  12. I hate raw chicken too and actually had Rondell cook the chicken I need for our meal last night! I am definitely bookmarking this page to make this soon! Way to go'll be smoking a brisket in no time :)


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