Every year is a great year if you make it great.
Every month is a great month if you choose to make it great.
Every day is a great day with the right attitude.
Weather is a great metaphor for life...sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella! -Terri Guillemets.
I choose to have a positive outlook no matter what life throws at me. I have been through some pretty stinky stuff in life, but I have learned from every single thing that has happened to me. I may not post all the bad things that happen to our little family on this here blog. I want to keep it positive around here. Sometime life gets us down, but we need to snap back to reality and realize life is what we ourselves choose to make of it.
When you change your habitual thoughts, it is like changing the direction of a train.
Speaking of trains. The area we live in is basically surrounded by train tracks. They are everywhere around our house. When I get stopped as a train passes it is a reminder to me that I needed to stop and wait. As frustrating as that train is I wait and remember, maybe I needed to slow down.
Does that make sense?
This year I hope to keep on keeping on living the life we have. I'm not planning to change a thing. I want to try to stay positive when times are tough. I want to teach my kids to communicate openly with Gary and I about anything they encounter.
Layla and Hayden are more fun every day. They get smarter and more independent every single day. As you all know kids don't always do what you say, they do as you do. I strive to be a good role model for them, and so does Gary. My favorite parenting quote:
There are two lasting bequests we can leave our children, one is roots and the other is wings.
Roots and wings baby! I remember this when I start to get sentimental about the kiddos growing up. They are supposed to grow up. It is mine and Gary's job to grow them as best we can so that when we set them free they can fly and know right from wrong!
I hope you all have a wonderful 2012! I am excited to see what is in store for our family this year. I look forward to 2012 with much excitement and I hope to make it a super fun year!

Love this post Angie! We do need to pause for a moment & reflect, we simply go too fast! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!
Ah! I love this!!! I love your attitude and the roots and wings saying. LOVE!
im sure with all my kids in the house mine want their wings sooner than later haha
happy new year friend!
i love this friend!!!
it's nice to stop and think about what you really do have and to enjoy it...even in the craziest times!!!
This is such a great post, and holds true to everything that I try to keep in my little back burner. It is so easy to get caught up in the bad stuff, but far more fun to focus on the positive! Thanks for such a great post!
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