Wednesday, February 8, 2012

preschool fun

This morning I read a book to Hayden's preschool class.  
The theme of today was book cooks.  

really cute face there SON. sheesh!

I read a Valentine themed book and then we had food that coordinated with the book.  I made jello for the kids to use heart shaped cookie cutters to make jello heart jigglers.

The last time I made jigglers it was a total disaster.  I was so nervous about the whole thing.  I hate disappointing my own kids, but to disappoint a whole class of 3 1/2 year old kids.  

Oh the pressure!!

The jigglers turned out perfect and I read the book just fine.  haha!  I was joking with Mrs. Vanessa on Monday.  What if I got a word wrong while reading the book?  I managed to do just fine!

Hayden has a class full of sweet friends!


  1. So fun! I bet you did a great job reading the book...and I can tell by the pics that the kiddos loved the jigglers:)

  2. How fun! That's such a cute idea. I know the kids loved the jello!


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