Friday, February 24, 2012

reading scene

I took this picture a few nights ago and I just love it! 

Layla read a book to us and quizzed us about  the book.  We learned 'All about Bats!'  She loves to read and I am so thankful!   Every time she turned to a new page she quizzed us about what we learned on those two pages.  She was a great little teacher!


  1. look at her sweet face....and buzz lightyear in the background soaking it all in.

    3 times now I've seen a child read for the first time and it never gets old...i can't wait to see that light again 3 more times! (does that make 6? who's crazy?)

  2. She is doing so great! I'm so proud of her and the hard work she does! I LOVE having her in my class! :)

  3. What a neat picture! I love capturing those little everyday moments. :)


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