Tuesday, February 21, 2012

this and that about me

I am loving the kids ages right now.  They are funny and silly and they are both learning so much.  I laugh at them every day.  I am realizing how independent they are becoming.  Maybe I am doing a good job at this parenting gig!  Y'all...I can ride the stationary bike for an hour alone with my iPod.  It is amazing because I look forward to my exercise time. They don't do crazy stuff and I don't have to worry about them burning the house down.  I am finally getting some time to myself where I don't have to be watching them non stop all the time.  

I feel like when it comes to certain parts of my life in the past I put myself on the back burner.  I think it is a mom thing.  I will say I am getting better at doing things for me, but I always try to put my family first.  That being said...

I am embarrassed to admit, I have been wanting to whiten my teeth for years.  I started whitening them right before I got pregnant with Hayden.  I stopped whitening them because I worried about the chemicals hurting him.  I was a pretty by the book pregnant person.  I'm sure people whiten their teeth all through their pregnancies now a days, but back then I wasn't comfortable doing it. Anyway, since Hayden is now 3 1/2 years old I decided I put it off long enough and I have had a least a million cups of coffee since he was born, my teeth needed some attention.  

I worried about the cost of whitening my teeth.  I didn't really want to spend $250 or more to whiten my teeth.  I thought about Crest white strips and all of the drug store whitening remedies, but I wasn't sold on them.  One day while visiting with a friend she told me our dentist offered free teeth whitening.  Seriously.  I was so shocked and excited.  I went in and got my impressions and after 14 days I am done.  How cool is that?  Why am I telling you this?  Your dentist may do it too!


I don't watch much TV during the day.  I try to stay busy with the kids and doing chores, but I have made an exception.  I am loving the Dr. Oz show.  He has so many awesome tips and healthy ideas.  I am so excited about the changes I have made in my life when it comes to health and fitness, so getting good tips I can use makes me feel good! 


I started using an anti-aging cream about a week ago.  I love the way it makes my face feel.  I am not happy with the breakout on my chin though.  I'm sure it is just a random breakout, but I feel like the anti-aging cream took me way back to age 14.  haha!  Yuck!

I joined a mom's group at church.  We meet every other week and this week we started a Beth Moore study.  I am so excited about learning about the book of Ester and also about getting to know other moms.  We have a fun group of moms and all of us live around one another!  I think it will be great to get to know other moms and Hayden has fun playing with other kids.   Win win!

Finally, I wanted to share my Cindy tote with y'all.  I am loving it.  It is a Thirty-One tote and I'm super happy with it!  I have been wanting one since I started selling Thirty-One.   I am excited about our families upcoming camping trips.  I have so many fun totes to keep us organized.  Yay for Thirty-One!


  1. Um, yeah you're doing a good job at this parenting gig! That's awesome that you can get some you time...and free whitening! I would love to do that study of Esther (I love most of Beth Moore's studies). I hope you enjoy studying this book and connecting with other Christian women. I want a Cindy tote...badly.

  2. This is why I love your blog! So many cool and interesting things going on! I love that you're able to exercise, and that you're starting up a new book/Bible study with your friends. One of the things I always worry about is having time for my adult self when I have kids, and you always seem to have it all together!

  3. I got my teeth whitened about a year and a half ago for a wedding I was in...but it was NOT free! I still have the molds though and I've thought about buying something over the counter and using the molds to do touch ups. My mom bought me a few different Thirty One totes for Christmas. They are going to be perfect for camping this summer for sure:)

  4. Yay for free white teeth! What a wonderful surprise!

    I did the Esther study last year & I LOVED it! Such a wonderful study about God's perfect timing. I loved it!

  5. I started whitening my teeth years ago with the trays & whitening gel. It was definitely not free but our dentist is a friend of ours so he gave it to me at cost. I still use the stuff some but for the most part my teeth have stayed white. I use the trays now because I grind my teeth at night now. That's so awesome you can get yours done free. Yay for some you time!


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