Monday, March 12, 2012

Sad day

Our sweet 13 year old Harley dog is in puppy dog heaven now.

She was a perfect protector of our house for so many years.

She has been struggling with hip problems for years and finally she just couldn't fight any longer.

We are all so sad to see our Harley Barley gone, but we are happy that she is no longer hurting.

February 4, 1999 ~ March 12, 2012


  1. I'm so sorry Angie. I know exactly how your feeling. We had to say goodbye to our Trixie in January and need to make the decision again for our dog Dexter soon. It's amazing how our pets can become such a big part of our lives. Thinking of you! May your Harley Barley R.I.P.

  2. This makes me so teary :( Our sweet pups are like family members. Im so so sorry for your sweet family's loss!

  3. I'm so sorry for your family. I know it hurts, and I hate that for ya'll. I'm glad you have so many wonderful memories with Harley!

  4. I'm so sorry. :( I know pets are part of the family!

  5. So so sad! Is there a way you could celebrate her life? Like make some cupcakes and celebrate all of the wonderful memories you had with her!!! Thinking of you!

  6. Angie, I'm so so sorry. I know how hard this is. I hope everyone's doing ok.

  7. I am so sorry Angie.. I know how hard that is. I'll be praying for peace for your whole family!

  8. oh Angie... I am so, so sorry. I know how heart breaking this is. Thinking of y'all...

  9. I've already expressed my condolences to you via FB, but it still pains me to read that Harley is gone. He was SO loved by y'all.


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