Friday, March 9, 2012

Springgggg Breakkkk!!

Spring break has officially begun!

We are so excited to have no schedule for a week.

Tonight we ordered pizza, pasta and dessert from a local pizza restaurant.  It was a great treat!  

After dinner we watched a movie.

The kids agreed on Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer.

It was super cute and I think we all four really enjoyed it!

Now the kids are all tucked in tight and sleeping soundly for the night.

Yay for Spring Break!!  

I can't wait to see what the week has in store for us!


  1. How fun!! Gotta love kids night in :) Dinner looks fantastic. I love your blog! Newest reader :)

  2. I'm sure you guys will have a fun time this week. That food look extra yummy. My kids loved the Judy Moody movie. Have a wonderful break :)


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