I've felt crummy today. I caught what Layla has and apparently the entire elementary school in our neighborhood has the same sickness. There were 6 kids out of Layla's class on Monday. Every time I talk to another friend in our neighborhood they have a sick child.
I missed going to my Lifegroup today. I have really enjoyed getting to know so many new moms. Missing today made me sad, but I needed to veg out.
Layla was feeling good yesterday, but last night right before dinner time she got a fever of 101 again. So she stayed home again from school today. She seemed to feel pretty good throughout the day with only a few moments of coughing and low grade fever.
I'm not even gonna lie, I am afraid to send her to school tomorrow. I know she is well enough to go though. I just hope the sickness flying around school ends soon.
Layla sat down with Hayden today and helped him write his name. I was laying on the couch listening to them and it made my mommy heart so happy. My daughter was being so sweet to my son. It was awesome. Maybe I should keep her home from school more often. Also I must add I should pay her for babysitting him today. She was amazing with him while I was sickly!
Tonight when I hugged Hayden before bed he told me I was choking him. Gosh, I thought I hugged him lightly because I didn't want to get too close to him.
Cougar Town is one of the funniest shows on TV. Did you see it tonight with the whole Braveheart scene? It almost makes up for the fact that Parenthood is over. Not really though. Nothing even compares to Parenthood. I'm gonna miss it!
I am addicted to the iPhone app Draw Something. I am a really terrible artist, but it seriously makes me laugh! Sometimes I surprise myself and draw something really good and other times I am down right embarrassed of my drawing.
Gary is a rock-star husband. He made stuffed peppers last night for dinner because I wasn't feeling well, and tonight he made homemade griddle burgers. The kids would have had cereal both nights, but he cooked a yummy dinner both nights. I was so impressed with his stuffed chili pepper creation.
And now I am hitting the hay hoping I feel much better tomorrow.
90210 is calling my name! It is back on tonight! Yay!
Good night and stay well!
Good night and stay well!

Hope you are feeling better soon! Sickness is no bueno!!!
I watched Parenthood and such a good episode, but had NO IDEA that was the finale!!! They ended it early. Don't the shows usually end in May?????? Hope you feel better!!!!!
Surely those sickies will leave your house soon! Hope you're feeling better. We like Cougar Town a lot too.
I hope you and Layla are both feeling a lot better this morning. A couple of sickness went around here last week, but so far we have managed to avoid it...fingers crossed that we don't get it! We love Cougar Town too. Jason is out of town so last night's episode is sitting on the dvr waiting for us to watch it!
The sickness is all over and I hope you guys kick it soon! How sweet of Layla to help Hayden like that...such precious moments. I haven't watched Cougar Town and I love a good laugh so maybe I should check it out...thanks. Way to go Gary!!!
I hope you feel better soon! One of the things that I am not looking forward to about kids is the amount of sickness that will surely befall me! :( Maybe I'll get enough doctor germs in the hospital by then to make me superimmune and I'll be the one spreading pathogens to everyone else in my household!!! Muahahaha! (OK, not that funny.) Aside: Last night, when I got home from the hospital, I stripped down and threw my clothes straight into the wash (usual habit) and yelled to The Lawyer that I was getting in the shower to disinfect? His response? "Gah! I kissed you before you disinfected! Nooo!" He was being completely serious.
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