Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter baskets

While looking through the pictures we took last weekend I realized something about the kids baskets.

I wouldn't say Layla's Easter basket is super duper different or out of the ordinary. 

It is really just a plain basket, but to us it is special.

Layla has had the same Easter basket since her 1st Easter as a baby.  

She has added her own personal touches to it.  She has lamb pony tail holders attached to each side.  She has a bow tied to one side. 

I think it is so sweet.  She loves her sentimental Easter basket.

Hayden on the other hand breaks every single Easter basket he gets.  He has gotten a new basket each year and every year he has broken it.  I'm thinking he can just use his Halloween bucket for Easter next year.  

His current basket was new last year on Easter, so he hasn't used it very much.  It was in the attic all year.  I'm crossing my fingers this one makes it!  We still have a few more hunts.  We'll see if it survives!


  1. Too funny! My boys are rough on everything too! They have actually had the same baskets going on three years and so far they are holding up pretty well. But now that I say that I'm sure one of them will get broken this year:)

  2. I love this. I want Harper to have the same Easter basket for a long time. I love that tradition! There is just something about the same stocking and Easter basket forever...


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