Monday, April 23, 2012

MudQuest 2012 Recap

We had the best weekend in Waco at the MudQuest adventure run.

Friday we drove to Waco and I dropped Gary off at the MudQuest site so he could help Jarred and his team build the course.  They worked late into the night to get the course prepared.  The kids and I went into Waco to buy snacks for Saturday's race.  We also got frozen yogurt and did a little shopping.  It was fun taking the kids around Waco.  Waco is my old stomping ground.  I have so many fun memories there!

We stayed with our fun friends and the kids couldn't wait to get to their house to play.  Shelby and I snuck away for a mommy only dinner.  While we were away for that whole 1 1/2 hours Layla lost her 3rd tooth!  It was a fun way to start the weekend!

Saturday was the longest day ever.

Gary and Jarred got up at 5:30 am to get things set up.  I never went back to sleep. Ouch! 

The kids and I got to the race grounds around 8:30.  There was so much to do!  We watched several heats of the kids races.  Our kids weren't signed up to run until 11:15am.  We walked around and talked to friends.  Finally we got to hang out with Gary who was done with last minute preparations.

The kids built mini tool boxes at the Home Depot tent.  It was so cute to watch them hammer nails and create!  They loved it!   

Finally after waiting all morning the kids got their wish.  They just wanted to get dirty and take their turn racing around the kids course.

Hayden was one dirty boy!  He LOVED being covered in mud!

He ran as fast as his little legs would carry him.

It was so fun watching him!

Layla had a smile on her face the entire race.  

My muddy little lady!

After the kids ran their race they got sprayed off my the Waco Fire Fighters!

It seemed like it took forever to get the kids cleaned up. There was a line of kids to be sprayed down and also people from the 2 mile, 5K and 10K races were all coming in at different times.  We had fun waiting in line people watching!


At around 2:30 the heat races ended and the volunteers were able to run the course.  I was so excited to get to run.  Gary was exhausted from building the course.  He and several other men actually built some of the water obstacles. They did a trial run of the course to make sure it was safe.  Gary thought I'd have fun running while he hung out with the kids.  Luckily there was a vehicle he and the kids used to take pictures of us on the course!

The course was brutal.  It was so much fun, but so much longer than I thought.  I thought I was running the 5K but during the run we took the 10K trail.  I was determined to NOT quit.  I had a great cheerleaders!

I lost BOTH of my shoes in a pit of mud.  I was so stinkin' mad.  I'm not even kidding when I say I wanted to scream and yell with frustration, but my kids were watching me. haha!  I had to be sweet.

Shelby waited for me to get my shoes back on and we were off running again.  Luckily we caught up to the group we were with before.  

That water was so nasty.

I was such a scaredy cat when it came to the water obstacles.  We were running with Macy and her friends and I always made sure they did the water things first.  They caught on to my fear.  And honestly I skipped a few of the super muddy obstacles.  After my shoes fell off I was gun shy!

The kids wanted to try a few obstacles!

It was a long hot race and I was so happy it was over.  I look whooped huh?

I was worried when I got sprayed off I'd freeze to death because it was a cool day on Saturday.  But you know what?  I loved the cool water and I was so muddy.  IT was disgusting. 

I don't know if you can see inside my shoes, but they are full of gravel.  They were filled with water, mud and rocks from wading through the rocky creek beds.  

I learned so much about participating in this kind of event.  It is my second one to do.  Maybe I'll post about everything I learned.  I am so thankful we are all safe and no one got hurt.  I have sore muscles and a few splinters, but all in all we survived!  

It was such a fun weekend!

Lots of memories were made and I know one thing:  My bed felt so wonderful! 


  1. That's awesome that you did the 10K! There's no way I could do a mud run. I hate hate hate to be dirty! Not to mention I'd be scared to death of what could be in the water & mud that I can't see. It really looks like y'all had a blast!

  2. Oh My Gosh! I am out of breath just reading this. My couch and a DIET coke are calling me already! Still awesome though. What a good example you are. I am counting on Rob to be Harper's influence on things like this! ha!

  3. What a fun day! My kids would have loved every second of having an excuse to get muddy (without getting in trouble). Congrats on sticking out the 10k!

  4. That looks like such a blast! I totally want to come next year! I know my boys would be in heaven covered in mud and not getting in trouble for it:)

  5. Looks like tons of fun and a good workout at that!!! Lena Kate would love to get that muddy!

  6. I saw your pics on Instagram!! Looksl ike so much fun...dirty, but fun!! :)

  7. This looks absolutely terrifying and like an absolute blast all at once. I think I would've passed out if I found out I was on the wrong trail. Kudos to you for finishing it out lady!


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