Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Easter Sunday

Saturday when we got home from camping Hayden was feeling super crummy.  Bless his heart.  He was wheezing and coughing.  He couldn't even talk or walk without having a coughing fit.  

We gave him several breathing treatments, but nothing helped.  

At midnight I was so worried and couldn't handle it any longer.  I loaded him up and took him to the ER.  I'm thankful I did.  He was a sick little man.

We finally got home and into bed and got a few hours of sleep.


Hayden, Daisy and I took a nap while Daddy and Layla got Hayden's prescriptions filled.

Hayden had multiple breathing treatments.

We had a fun Easter lunch just the four of us.

Layla set the table and decorated everything.

We had steaks, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and of course deviled eggs. 

We dined in our pj's and had a fun time talking about our camping trip.

Hayden seems to be on the mend.  I know he will be 100% soon.
Breathing problems aren't anything to play around about.  I'm thankful my Momma instinct made me take him in.  I think this is the day we were supposed to have.  We had other plans for our Easter Sunday, but clearly -- home getting rest is where we all needed to be.

I hope you had a happy Easter!


  1. Glad your little man is feeling better.

  2. Boo for him being sick but looks like a perfect low key Easter:) and P.S. If we lived near each other I would love to go camping with you!

  3. Aw, poor Hayden! You are an awesome Momma Ang! Good for you for listening to your gut. Hope he is better soon!

    Happy Easter!

  4. I'm glad your Easter turned out ok despite your little guy not feeling well. Poor little thing! Hope he's back to normal real soon!


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