Friday, April 20, 2012

Playtime at the park

Yesterday we met our friends Vanessa and Jake at the Trinity Park duck pond.

Look at the baby ducklings. They are so cute!

Hayden and Jake had so much fun running and exploring.
and of course I was in picture taking heaven!

Look at the turtles!

There was a steep hill and we brought cardboard boxed to slide down.

Hayden wanted to slide down like he was surfing.  I was laughing so hard at him.  He has no fear.

Sliding on his hiney didn't really work, so he decided to roll down!

I am so thankful for these days I get to spend with Hayden.  I spent so many days with Layla when she was younger and I sometimes have mommy guilt about Hayden not getting time with just me like I gave her.  Okay... I'm rambling, but you know what I mean.


And football.

The boys had a fun time at the park and so did us mommies!

I LOVE this picture of Vanessa!!  

We laughed so much yesterday and this picture paints a perfect picture of our play time.

I'm king of the world!!!!!


  1. What a fun trip! I wish we had a place with ducks closer to us...Eli would love it:) And rolling down the hill sounds like fun! A total boy thing for sure!

  2. I've always loved to watch the ducks!

  3. Thanks for posting Angie...we had a great time as well! Those little boys made us laugh so hard!! :)

  4. i know! don't'll have a 10th grader on ur hands! weird! i'm too young for that!


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