Saturday, April 14, 2012

saturday sillyness

It seems like our weekends are booking up like crazy these days.  Luckily this weekend we didn't have anything planned.  Today was a great day of hanging out around the house and cleaning.

We decided to splurge and have lunch at our favorite Mexican food restaurant for lunch. I have been craving Mexican food for weeks!  It was well worth the wait. We loved acting silly at the table, the kids took a picture of us. I look so goofy and poor Gary, he is dying from bad allergies.  Bless his heart.  

Once we got home we ended up cleaning like maniacs.  We did some deep cleaning chores we have been needing to do for awhile.  It was nice to get them done, but now we are exhausted.  Gary and I are watching the Nascar race while the kids are having a sleepover in the playroom.  
They are 'camping out.'   

Oh how I love these two...they are so silly and I love seeing them together lately.  They still have their petty fights, but usually they play together for hours!

I hope you had a great Saturday!


  1. What a fun weekend! That ice cream looks yummy too!

  2. Fun times! I totally want to bite the top off of Hayden's ice cream...wouldn't want it to drip!

  3. Mexican food sounds so good right now (well, it always sounds good!) Poor Gary...I hope he feels better soon. Love the fun pictures :)

  4. I told Dean I don't care if we don't do anything else next weekend, I HAVE to eat at La Carreta!!! I'm dying for some mexican.


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