Layla lost a tooth this past weekend while we were out of town at a friends house.
She has never lost a tooth with me being present.
She lost her first tooth at a sleepover.
She lost her second tooth while at school.
The last time we were visiting Waco she lost her third tooth while I was at dinner.
Saturday night while we were having an adult night (the kids were hanging out with a sitter) we got a text that said, "Layla lost her tooth!" I was shocked!
This time the tooth fairy didn't forget to deliver her money!
She lost a top tooth. She has lost 3 bottom teeth and now a top tooth. It's so exciting.
It's a shame kids spend tons of time teething as babies and toddlers just lose them all as grade-schoolers. When I was looking in Layla's mouth she showed me she is getting two molars!
So there it is: all you wanted to know about the mouth of my 6 year old.
Who by the way will be turning 7 in one month! One month!!

1 comment:
Why do they grow so fast?
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