Monday, July 23, 2012

a birthday party and a lost tooth

Saturday night we celebrated Luke!  

Luke is our neighbor and he and Hayden share a birthday.  Luke is exactly one year older than Hayden.  He will turn 5 on Wednesday and Hayden will be 4 years old!

(Luke & DeeDee)

We had a fun night.  Layla never slowed down and was on the water slide non-stop.

Hayden did slide a few times, but a boy pushed him down the slide so he never got back on.  Grrrr.  I think he would have had fun, but that ruined it for him.  

Layla met a new friend and they bonded over having the same swim suit.  
Sweet girls!

Cake and ice cream!  YUM.

Silly little man was making me giggle.

After the sun went down the kids started dancing.  
Hayden had a fun time showing off his moves!

Layla made the water slide look so fun, so I decided to slide too.  It was so so fun!  
I felt like a kid and was convinced I got air-born.  There was a hump in the slide and it made me fly down super fast!

Sunday while running a few errands we saw a grass fire up close and personal.  I don't think I've ever seen a grass fire that close.  It was so scary.  We were stuck in traffic so I was able to snap a few pictures with my phone. Thankfully the fire was extinguished quickly.

Everything is so dry and this fire was just spreading so quickly. 

Sunday night while I was watching the Bachelorette season finale Layla lost her 5th tooth.  We thought she was asleep and then suddenly she came out of her room saying she thought her tooth was super loose.  It WAS and she pulled it about 5 minutes later.

She is so cute and now when she speaks you can hear a slight whistle.  It is just about the cutest thing I've ever heard.  The tooth fairy did visit her and Hayden noticed her tooth was missing first thing this morning.  

Happy Monday.
  I hope you have an awesome week!


  1. We need to send y'all some of our rain. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's rained every day for 2 weeks. It's crazy! Layla looks so cute with her missing teeth!

  2. sweet boy turning 4...i can't believe our kids are getting that old.....i guess i'd better have more bahahaha

    as for loosing times...i love seeing their funny faces!

  3. Looks like a great time minus the fire...that's scary. I have that song in my head again...cake cake cake.


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