Saturday, July 14, 2012

Splash park fun

Yesterday we met Jake and Vanessa at a splash park near our house.  Layla took a friend too! Hayden was having an off day and was being a little toot for part of the play date, but eventually he started having fun.  

We packed a picnic lunch and splashed and played until we got too hot and needed naps.

I think the kids had fun and I had fun watching them.  I'm also thankful for some mommy talk with Vanessa.  It's always good to have an adult conversation with a great friend! 

The boys had so much fun spraying each other with the spray guns.   For some reason they loved the blue one the most!

I love this palm tree and the shadow it makes looks like a snowflake!

Hayden never leaves the house without a base ball cap, in fact he never took it off at the splash park.   

I hope we can visit the splash park again soon.  It's great free entertainment!


  1. splash parks are so fun!!
    a perfect way to cool off in this heat!!

  2. love the 'snowflake' pic! hoping to see real ones this winter!! :)

  3. My boys love the splash pad near our house, but ours is lame compared to that awesome one! I love palm tree and my boys would LOVE the water guns too!


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