Today our little family went to Grapevine Mills to do some back to school clothes shopping. We had fun going from store to store looking at all the latest styles. The kids begged us to stop at the candy store. Then they proudly reminded Gary and I about earlier this morning when they let us sleep-in a bit. They decided they deserved a prize for that.
Sooooo $12.00 later they got 2 bags of candy.
Look at this little diva. She makes me smile. Unfortunately, she is starting the 'not listening' stage. Gary and I sound like a broken record lately. We have to ask her a million times to do one single task. I'm gonna pull my hair out. For real. I'm not known for being very patient.
Look at this dress....If that doesn't scream LKS I don't know what does.
We went to 3 different stores yesterday and couldn't find ANYTHING she liked or wanted to wear to school this year. We walked into Old Navy today and she got a whole wardrobe of adorable clothes. I am so excited and thrilled that they all fit her style perfectly! She is set for the 1st part of the year at least.
Hayden had a big day today too. He had his 4 year check-up. Our little man is perfectly healthy. He is developmentally right on track. He had and passed his hearing test and an eye test. He weighs 38 pounds and is 3.5 feet tall. He knew he was getting vaccinations today. He was really worried about them. Poor guy was mad mad mad. He hated those shots, but luckily he's done with shots for a long time.
This is before....he's happy as a clam.
Afterwards, NOT SO MUCH. He was mad as a hornet.
I cried because he cried so hard. Layla laughed at him. Sheesh. I couldn't believe it when I looked over and she was laughing. Gosh. Gotta love sibling love.
At bath time when I pulled his band-aids off he was worried it was going to hurt. It didn't hurt, but I could tell his little bird legs were sore. I gave him a dose of Advil and then Tylenol right before bed. I know I'm exaggerating, but it looked like the nurse stabbed those needles into his thighs. Ugh! I was so thankful when the doctor reminded us we don't need anymore shots until the kids are 11 years old.
Last night I got a call from Hayden's preschool about meet the teacher day. Today I got a call from Layla's school about who her teachers will be! Such exciting times around here y'all! I can't believe I have a 2nd grader and a Pre-K student.
I love these days with my kids and I love seeing their little personalities grow and develop. I love being their mom and helping them become independent little beings. Sometimes I think and know they just want me to do everything for them, but then I remember I'm their parent and it's my job to teach them how to do stuff. Even though it's easier for me sometimes to do it myself, I stop and remind myself:
My job as a parent is to give them "Roots & Wings."
My babes are growing up!!

Poor hayden! 4yr shots are the absolute worst. On them and mommy! I almost felt guilty after Knox got his. His face was all like "how could you?!?" so pitiful :(
Yay for growing up! Hayden is even clutching his little arm in that shots photo, though, like he's still recovering. Poor thing! But hey, getting polio or measles is SO much worse than the shots, so you did good. I don't know the rationale for the stabbing of the needles so fast, but it might actually make the pain less. I once got two vaccinations simultaneously (two nurses, each pushing into a different arm) b/c the doctor said when you do it that way, you can only feel one. I don't know if that's true or not, but the psychological setup of that made me believe that I could only feel one!
Eli has to get those same shots in a few weeks and I'm pretty sure he's not going to be happy about it either!
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