Friday, August 3, 2012

Jump! Jump!

I don't know what it is, but I love jumping pictures.

I love action shots and the silly looks on the kids faces when they are jumping.

My kids are wearing mix matched clothes and running around the backyard like banshees!

We are having some good times laughing and being silly.  Who cares what we are wearing right?!

I'm hoping to take some fun pictures this weekend at Hayden's birthday celebration.
We are going to see Monster Jam LIVE!!!  

Happy Friday.  Have a great weekend!  
Oh & take some jumping's FUN!


  1. I love those too but for some reason I can never get them to come out right? Being silly and having good times is totally better than matching :)

  2. so cute :) jumping pictures are my favorite!

    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie

  3. Fun pictures! I'm impressed with how clear they are...mine always end up blurry!


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