Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet the teachers!

This morning Hayden got to meet his Pre-K teachers.

I really think he is ready to get busy and have fun at school.  I am so excited for him.  A week or so ago he wasn't really excited about the idea of starting school again.  Once Layla started he seemed to be more interested.  I think he wants to be like her!

His teachers are really sweet and I'm sure they will teach him all the things he needs to know before starting Kindergarten in one year!  One year and he will be going to school 5 days a week like Layla.


Layla had a great first day of school yesterday and a great second day today.   I can tell her days are good because she is so tired at night. Gary has started his new job and he is liking it too.  Tonight the kids and I went out to dinner because someone looked at our house!  We went to eat a healthy dinner of cheeseburgers and blizzards from Dairy Queen.  The kids thought it was the best treat!  They hope our house shows every day so they can have ice cream.  I hope so too! 

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