Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer's end is nearing.

I am sad to see summer coming to an end, because we've had a really great time.

We are camping and playing in the water. Next week we are back to school shopping and getting ready for fall. This is our last summer Hoorah for 2012!

The kids are at fun ages because they are both finally loving the water. Pool water, lake water, any kind of water! I love watching them enjoy summer. It makes my momma heart happy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. My mom used to cry when summer ended and it was time to go back to school. I know how you feel!

  2. I'm sad that summer is ending because I don't feel like I had much of one with all the extra working but I'm also a little glad because that means the extra work is slowly coming to an end!


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