Friday, September 28, 2012

Big boy!

Hayden needed a haircut so bad! We let it get wild and out of control. I've had the hardest time styling it in the mornings because it has gotten so long.

I took him to Sport Clips this morning. While we were waiting his turn for a haircut he told me he was a big boy and I didn't need to stand beside him while he got his hair cut.

I agreed to let him sit there all alone. He looked so sweet sitting there. He looked so big and he acted so big too. He told the stylist we were moving. He told her his favorite football team was Baylor. He also talked to the man sitting next to him about the Ryder Cup. I was blown away! He acted 14, not 4.

Sniff Sniff!

My little boy is turning into a little man! I'm so proud!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Aww!! He looks adorable :) We just had our son's cut for the first time! Makes them look older too.

  2. He looks so grown up sitting in the haircut chair! I love his spikey new do:)


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