Thursday, September 13, 2012

chicken & rice in the slow cooker

I have been searching for a chicken and rice recipe for some time now.  I wanted a comforting recipe but not too bland.  In my opinion chicken and rice screams boring.  

When I saw this recipe on pinterest I knew I had to try it.  

                                                                             Source: via Angie on Pinterest

I didn't follow the recipe exactly as posted because I wanted to use ingredients I had on hand.  So THIS is my version.


3 frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts thawed
1 medium onion roughly chopped
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 box of rice a roni (any flavor you like) prepared
1 can of corn ( I used white and golden corn)
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
I also added a 1/2 can of chopped green chilies because I had them in the fridge.

I sprayed my slow cooker with Pam cooking spray and threw in the chicken breasts, topped them with the raw chopped onion and then added the can of cream of chicken soup.

I cooked this mixture in the slow cooker for about 4 hours on low depending on your slow cooker.  My cooker cooks really fast!

After the chicken is no longer pink then it's time to add the cheese, rice, corn and chilies.  That is what I did.  I added each additional ingredient and stirred after each addition.  The constant stirring actually shredded the chicken, so there were some small chunks and some larger pieces.

I am so happy with the way this recipe turned out.  I would say this was a great pin!

I served the chicken and rice with Ranch Style beans and cucumber salad.

My quick version of cucumber salad turned out pretty tasty.

1 cucumber peeled & chopped
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1 tablespoon finely chopped dill
lots a salt
2 tablespoons Ken's ranch dressing

I mixed it all up and let it get nice and chilly in the fridge.

  I am obsessed with dill right now.  I put it in my salads and it gives them great flavor.  I love this cucumber salad especially because I put dill in it!  I ate the entire cucumber salad in 2 days soooooo I am planning to make up another batch soon!

I am linking this post to my amazing friend Sarah's blog.  

Have you tried anything you've pinned lately?  If so, snap a few pics and link up with us too!


  1. love slow cooker meals, never heard of or seen this one! glad to hear it is good, it looks delicious!! i will have to make it soon :)

  2. So glad to hear this is good!! I will definitely give it a try. And can I just say how jealous I am of your confidence to switch up the recipe to ingredients you had on hand?! I can only DREAM of living so wildly. Thanks for linking you friend!! :)


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