Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Pre-K

Today was Hayden's first day of Pre-K and he was so excited.  I'm glad he was excited because last year he cried and clung to me like press n seal wrap for the first 2 weeks of school.  If you've used press n seal you know that was exhausting!

This morning he was pumped!  He walked in and grabbed his pencil box and started coloring.  When I picked him up this afternoon he hugged the snot out of me and said he loved school and he said he wished he could stay there all day long!  haha!  Well, you kinda did buddy!

Once we got home he asked to watch the Leap Frog DVD, The Letter Factory.  He said his teachers recommended it.   Lucky us, we own it, so I popped that DVD in faster than any movie I've ever set up for him.  He was just asking to learn.  Yippee!

Since BOTH kids were at school I used my free time wisely.  I got my hair cut.  I think my hair was the longest it has ever been.  I loved it, but I was ready for a change.   If you follow me on Instagram this is old news, but I got 5 inches cut off the back of my hair.  My new style is a  fun long 'swing' cut, so my hair is longer in the front than in the back.  It's fun though because it doesn't have any layers.  When I grow my hair out it will grown out nicely.   I enjoy growing my hair out and then cutting it off.  I get really bored with the same do.  I like to mix it up!

Tonight I am resting.  After I left my hair appointment I have been busy every second.  I ran by Kroger to grab a few things and by the time I got home to put them up I had to get Hayden and Layla from school.  Once I got home and grabbed snacks for them I needed to work out, so after 45 minutes on the stationary bike it was time to cook dinner and help with baths.  After I tucked the kids into bed I showered and plopped down on the couch in a puddle of exhaustion.  

I just remembered the cutest thing Layla said tonight before bed.  She said, "Mom, I am so excited about school tomorrow!  We are doing a science experiment!!"  She is excited about science and he is excited about learning his letter sounds.  I'd say today was a success all the way around!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Sounds like the kids are doing well at their new schools! Your hair looks amazing. Please let us know if it's hard to maintain! That's what I always fear, but it seriously is great!


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