Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I love me some Layla

I am so proud of my 2nd grader.  Layla is doing a great job adjusting to 2nd grade.  In my opinion so far second grade is different than 1st.  It seems like the teachers expect more independence from the kids than last year.  I know each year kids should be more responsible for themselves.  I'm glad Layla is taking this in stride.

My sweet silly girl is exactly that...silly.  She always makes me laugh.  I love her giggle and her amazing smile.  I hope she knows every day how proud I am of her.  I tell her, but I know I didn't always listen to my parents.  I hope she listens to me and can feel my love!

Layla has the sweetest heart when it comes to animals.  She has never been a big fan of baby dolls  Instead, she loves stuffed animals and of course real animals!  Daisy is her best bud!

Layla was giving Daisy a full medical physical.  Daisy wasn't too happy about it.  She decided to show her sharp teeth!  Ha!  These two girls make me laugh.  They are two peas in a pod.

I love this little peach to the moon and back.  She is smart and funny and I am so glad she is my little princess!  

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  1. So sweet. My Abby is the same way - not too into baby dolls but love love loves her some stuffed animals/real animals.

  2. Cute pics! Love the medical exam one. So funny!

  3. I bet she's going to be an awesome doctor one day!


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