Sunday, September 2, 2012

Visiting my new city

I hopped on a plane to visit my new city in Ohio. I'm here for the weekend, so it's a quick trip, but so far it's a fun place.

The town is really quaint and fun. It is a historic old town and I kinda like it. The people I have met so far are very nice. I've met Gary's new boss and his wife. I've met several of his coworkers and their wives.

Honestly... I feel like I'm in Mayberry. It's really mind blowing.

Last night we listened to live music at a fun local hangout. The band was really good! We had a good time.

Today we are touring the city and doing a little house hunting. It's raining, but we will make the best of it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hi Angie, I am glad you are enjoying your new city! That area of Ohio is very small and quaint, probably hasn't changed in several years? Have a great time house hunting! Hope you find that house with a front porch!

  2. I am just catching up and I can't believe we are both going through the same things right now!! Good luck with your move girl!! We're headed out on Friday...

  3. I hope all goes well with your move! Sounds like you are moving to a perfect little place....nothing wrong with mayberry :)

  4. I'm so happy u loved it! Sounds lie a cute place!

  5. Do the houses have front porches?


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