Friday, October 12, 2012

Copy Cat Reader

Layla reads every night as part of her homework for school.  Usually she gets a new book each night and so Hayden and I sit down and listen to her read.

Can you tell Hayden idolizes his sister?

He even put on the same sleep shirt she is wearing.

Thankfully seeing Layla read has made Hayden take an interest in reading.

He hasn't really shown an interest in books until just a few weeks ago.  I've tried to read to him and we'd get about 2 pages into a book and he was off playing with Legos.

I'm thankful his big sister is a good example for him!

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1 comment:

  1. That's sooo awesome! I love to read, my brother & sis-in-law have no interest in it & now little Logan isn't interested either. My friend was a teacher & she always said how you can tell the kids that are read to at home.


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