Sunday, October 7, 2012

Today's cool weather called for chili, but we went a little overboard and ate an entire batch of chili in 2 days.  I ate chili for 3 different meals today.  I had an omelet for breakfast first thing this morning.  Then I ate a small Frito pie for lunch.  I couldn't think of anything to have for dinner, so I thought chili for dinner sounded good too.  I topped cornbread with chili and called it a day.

Now I am sick and full and happy.  We have loved the cooler temps!  We had a fun time watching the jet and airplanes today at the airshow.  October is such a fun month!  I love it and I love spending it with my family.

We decided to take a quick picture of the four of us and we did it in a mirror over our piano.  It makes me giggle.  I had just showered and don't have a stitch of make-up on my face.  Layla is in her pj's and Hayden is wearing one of the 23 outfits he wore today.  Gary is looking good for us all.    

I love my people and I am thankful for a fun fall day!


  1. All your chili creations looks so yummy! We ate frito chili pie all weekend with our big pot of chili:)

  2. I am soooo jealous of people like you that look that good without a lick of makeup on!!!! My favorite way to eat chili is with tostitos & guacamole!!


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