Today was Layla's last day of school in Texas! It's a bittersweet day.

We are leaving our house! We are all a little sad, but excited about our seeing our new house too!

Saying our goodbyes was the hardest part. I cried my eyes out while saying bye to one of my best friends. We also said bye to both Gary's mom and my mom. I didn't want to say any goodbyes. I much prefer 'see ya later!'

The carpet cleaner got a late start this morning and that put us behind schedule, but we are still hoping to get to Little Rock tonight.

Oh ... these are some sleepy kiddos! Daisy is sleeping too. She is the best traveling dog ever!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Hope you have a safe trip! I hate good-byes, too!
Good luck with the rest of your trip! I can't wait to see your new house!
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