Wednesday, November 21, 2012

happy Thanksgiving eve

We had a fun full day of cooking.  The kids were great helpers to me today!

We made sausage balls, but I added cream cheese

a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie

and a batch of trash *AKA* Charlie Brown chex mix!

I also baked corn bread for the dressing I am making in the morning. I can't wait for cornbread dressing.  It is my favorite Thanksgiving dish!


  1. I have never had cornbread dressing - I think I need a recipe! All the food looks and sounds so good :) Happy Thanksgiving!! xo

  2. Girl we had the same day! I made sausage balls and was so tempted to add cream cheese (thank you, Pinterest) but didn't. I'm so doing it next time... I also made my cornbread for the dressing tomorrow. Thanksgiving food is the best!


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