Monday, November 5, 2012

This and that

I still don't have an Internet connection because AT&T can't get their 'Sandy' issues figured out. I was told today we'd have wifi, and we still don't. I'm not happy about it, but I guess I have to deal with it.

We had a great weekend. Our family was invited to a football party Sunday afternoon and we all made friends! I'm so thrilled to know that all of us are gonna be just fine in the friend department!

Tomorrow I am planning to get the kids enrolled in school. I can't wait for Layla to make even more friends!

Hopefully I will have an Internet connection other than 4G. I promise I'll post more pictures of the house. I'm hoping to get tons for stuff done around the house tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I love being able to follow along with you guys all the way to Ohio! It looks like you had an unforgettable trip for sure:) I can't wait to see more of your house and see what kinds of adventures you go on in your new state!

  2. Yay for new friends!! We have AT&T too. Not my favorite but it's too much trouble to switch everything.


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