Saturday, December 1, 2012

A day for Target

Gary had to work for a bit today, so the kids and I decided to road trip to Target.  The closest Target to us is about 90 miles away.  Yep...I really like Target and I really miss it.

We had a fun adventure.  The kids each got to pick out a toy, so they were all over riding in the car for 3 hours!  We also got shoes and a few necessities.  It was a fun day and we ended the day hanging out with friends at their house.  The kids had fun playing a few Wii games they have never played before.  Mmmmm...maybe some Christmas gift ideas! :)


  1. If you're willing to drive 3 hours for Target there must be something REALLY wrong with ours. I swear I don't see what the big hoorah is about that store. Glad you had fun though!

  2. Yay! I'd make the trip as well. LOVE Target. I wish we had a Super Target here in NWA. If we did, I'd never go into another nasty WM again. ha! ;) Oh, the things I miss about Texas.


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