Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas concert!

Last night was Layla's Christmas program at the high school.  Her whole elementary school put on the cutest program and we heard tons of Christmas carols to get us in the Christmas spirit!

She did so good.  I loved watching her sing.  She is becoming more brave in her new environment every single day.  I'm SOOOOO proud of her!

Can you believe I forgot to take my camera to the concert?  These two pictures are all I have and they were taken with my phone.  I'm so sad.  Next time I will be more prepared! 

Sadly Gary had to stay home with Hayden.  Hayden was feeling terrible.  The poor guy has had a rough few days, but he seems to be much better tonight.  He has missed a few days of school and hopefully he will be able to go back tomorrow.

Two more days until Christmas break!  Wooo hooo!


  1. That first picture of Layla is just precious! & I hope Hayden gets better soon!

  2. That's a great pic of Layla! I hope poor little Hayden is better soon. Everyone seems to be sick right now.


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